Application Development

At Softonia Infotech application development process covering all facets of software development life-cycle (SDLC) such as investigation, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance ensures successful implementation of the system that satisfies organization’s strategic and business objectives.

Typical application development phases at Softonia Infotech:

  • User interface and graphical design phase
  • Requirements Detailing Phase – Functional specifications document to include navigation flow, data fields and feature behaviour.
  • Application Architecture And Layout Phase – Various application layers, master pages, entity relationships, application design
  • Implementation Phase – Working application in a QA environment compliant with the functional and technical specifications
  • Quality Assurance (QA) And Testing – Test cases and test plans along with testing report including performance testing using simulated load
  • Deployment And Launch – Deployment document with step-by-step instructions on deployments for future reference. Launch of working application in live environment
  • Post-deployment Support – Weekly report of tasks and issues completed during the contracted maintenance and support period
  • Project Management – Weekly status report of the project progress, risk identification and escalation reports

Application Maintenance & Support

Application maintenance mean to us is managing the old legacy application with existing system, and optimizing them for getting the best out of it. Maintaining a system state, supporting the operation of software and sustaining the ability of software to satisfy the performance and functionality needs, we consider these as a support for Softonia Infotech.

A variety of work including bug-fixing, answering user queries and responding to emergencies, etc is done by our support teams. A support team typically contain developers who know the system / application. Members of a support team may also take part to implement enhancements to the existing applications.

The purpose of Support Process is to:

  • Service requests are being quickly resolved by the Support team. We want expert response to technical issue(s) and speedy resolution to product issue(s).
  • Adding new features.
  • Help customer / user in understanding or executing the system and equip them with most current updates and features.

Application Migration

We can migrate legacy systems into latest platforms, through our extensive experience. We have experience database design and administration they allows us to understand the data structures and define crosswalks. We can select the most efficient data integration tools and write custom data integration software, through our system development experience.

We believe an application may be the heart of your business which has a proven track record. Our focus to leverage modern solutions for automated translation of business logic with minimal change in code ensures clients of a risk free application migration and modernization.

Application Re-engineering & Modernization

We may need a tune up and modernization, to stay competitive your proven business system. We work with you to delivering you proper solutions that will help you attain future business goals and stay competitive. For upgrading your legacy systems to the contemporary platforms without disrupting the existing business logic, we are always with you.

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